Product Descriptions That Sell Your Products
About Me: I like writing Product Descriptions for Online Stores and developing content for Web Sites and Blogs.
I have several stores and web sites online. From my personal experience I have discovered two most important factors in getting my products sold: "product description" and "talking pictures". Pictures must talk to your customers and inspire your buyers imagination.
I am not a photographer so I can't help there but I can write "Product Descriptions" that sell.
Now I Want To Know About You: Do you have a web site or store? Have you started writing product descriptions? What happened when you got to number 15? Did you realized that each product description was becoming repetitive? Did you start to run out words. Perhaps the whole process of writing descriptions became a stressful mundane experience. And maybe at some point you felt it was better to just copy the manufactures description. Knowing very well manufactures descriptions surely couldn't bring customers to make that purchase.
Here's A Fast and Easy Solution With Benefits:
Hire me to write your product descriptions. Ok what is in it for you? The benefits are many: I am not a big company. I am a one man show oop!! (women) that will take the time to learn about all of the features of your products. Therefore I can write the ultimate unique product descriptions that will sell your products. There are many writing tools I use to bring your customers from imagination to buying.
Imagine your store full of products. And your customers buying your products because descriptions lead them to the point sales.The stress of writing will be gone. Your free to focus on other areas of your eCommerce business like marketing and inventory. With all these benefits it is a worthy investment to have me write your product descriptions. This will be a grand experience for you.
All these benefits will make this experience a worth while investment for your online store or web site. The end result you will be pain free and happy.
Prices: What Is This Going To Cost You? 3 cents A Word !!
Years ago when I started eCommerce I gave my products away for free. Yes that's right. Here was my strategy. If the customer liked the products and my store they would tell a friend or relative. And it worked. So I am offering not for free - but a very low fee. Don't just compare prices compare personal quality and care.
Send me some details on the following . . . and together we will work out a plan to do your product descriptions and get them done.
1. Store product list ? 2. Approximate number of products. 3. Type of products or service. 4. Web Site? Blog ? Content Subject matter?
And together we will figure out a good deal for both of us.
Willie Paws
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Thank you excellent job. I really like the products descriptions you wrote. More coming your way.
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