Plantain Broad Leaf Herb Plants-For Sale
What Is Plantain? "White Man's Foot Print"
Plantain also known as "White man's Foot Print" has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Plantain is a short green leafy plant that is a care-free easy to grow and a gardeners delight. This is a green short leafy plant. Not the yellow bananas looking thing.
How To Plant Plantain: Plantain is multi functional plant, for example :
1. Plant Plantain in your garden or in "Grow Greener Fabric Grow Bags".
2. Regular garden soil or clay is fine. Morning or afternoon sun about 6 hrs. Make gardening easy.
3.Plant Plantain in Fabric Grow Bags and your garden will turn into a showcase.
4. For green lushes leaves remember to feed them Happy Meal Plant Food once a month.
Why Grow Plantain? The Benefit's Are Amazing !! 1.The young, tender leaves can be eaten raw, and the older, stringier leaves can be boiled in stews or added to soups. Or just eat as a snack.
2. The leaves of the Plantain contains several anti-inflammatory compounds, including flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, and tannins.
3. The health benefits include but not limited to: improved digestion, enhanced wound healing, and to lower inflammation. The most recent research shows that Plantain slows the growth of certain cancer cells.
Highly Recommended: Make Plantain Showcase !!
1. Plant in a 5 gallon "Grow Greener Fabric Grow Bag.
2. Plant about 10 Plantain in the "Grow Greener Fabric Grow Bag. Mix in some Marigolds. Awesome!!
2. Throw in a hand full of Red Wiggler Worms.
If you really want to make a super green showcase. Feed your Plantain
The Secret why All Our Plants Are Big And Lush - Healthy and Care-Free. Our Asparagus roots are huge and health and Skip Jack is the reason. We have made Skip Jack Fish Emulsion for years. Every season we apply it to our Asparagus fields and the roots grow huge. Oh Skip Jack is made of 100% all fish caught at the Chattanooga Dam. Totally organic.
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